1. Please co-operate with the school in ensuring the effective education to your children. This can be done by -
    • i. Depositing fees as per rules.
    • ii. providing text books, notebooks and other requirements of your ward.
    • iii.Assisting your ward in removing his/her deficiency in particular subjects.
    • iv. Providing facilities of studies at home.
    • v. assisting and guiding in doing home-work.
    • vi. Providing proper school uniform.
  2. Please look into your ward's school calendar frequently and see to it that the assigned homework is done regularly.
  3. Please see and countersign diary of your wards regularly.
  4. Please ensure that your ward is escorted safely to school and back home.
  5. Should you feel or notice that your ward is not making the desired progress, kindly meet the Principal.
  6. You may contact the subject and class teachers personally in the staff-room. Please don't disturb them by visiting the class-room.
  7. Please don't send your ward to the school when he/she is having any infectious disease or is otherwise unwell.
  8. Please always send a leave application in respect of your ward addressed to the Principal through class teacher prior to the absence of your ward duly attested by you. Please don't request for part time leaves of your ward.
  9. Please ensure that your ward comes regularly in neat, clean and tidy school uniform. Don't force the authority for exemption.
  10. Please don't give costly things to your ward.